Six priority areas for action were identified through the strategy development process. These are areas that are amenable to change, where there is readiness for change and areas in which change could have the greatest impact.
The six areas are all interconnected, complex systems can’t be divided up neatly, and much activity will go on across and between the areas. They serve as a flexible guide for focussing efforts and energy over the next five years.
The priority areas come together around local communities; each area is described in more detail below. Systems are dynamic and unpredictable, and the approach will need to respond as new information and unexpected opportunities arise, so these are likely to change over time.
Each area of action will be supported by the Move More core team, who will facilitate network development and create opportunities for collaboration. The Move More core team publish an annual action plan containing more specific, co-produced priorities, enabling collaborative action to be responsive to changes happening in Sheffield - check it out here.
Check out the priorities for 2022 - 2023 below.
They may feel quite broad brush and without detail. This is to enable us to have some priorities to focus on for the here and now, but also allows the network to be agile enough to respond to changes and opportunities across Sheffield.
If you would like to see the priorities for previous years, see the below.
To read about each of the priority areas check out the below: