What is Active Through Football?
Active Through Football is our opportunity to learn from doing things differently. By identifying and working with key target audiences, who face some of the greatest inequalities to being physically active, we want to increase activity levels and create sustained behaviour change using a 'Place-based approach.'
The programme brings key local stakeholders together as a consortium to create and deliver a plan for their local area or 'Place'. The plans will be based predominately on activating key settings through the delivery of recreational and informal small-sided football activity and developed through community engagement.
Active through football in Sheffield?
The Active Through Football programme in Sheffield is working in two areas of the city, Parson Cross and Burngreave over the next 5 years.
The aim of the project is to tackle health inequalities through promoting and supporting people to develop healthier behaviours and lifestyles, through improved physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Who is involved?
The consortium consists of 6 core organisations with senior representatives forming the governance group. Whilst the lead organisation is Sheffield United Community Foundation, all partners are equal members of the group and inclusion is based on attendance, contribution, alignment and action.
What activities are taking place
Click here to view all of our Active Through Football sessions.